7th 1966, 1 October
Louis Armstrong
Bob Crosby Bobcats, Firehouse Five Plus Two
Turk Murphy
Young Men From New Orleans
Doc Souchon
8th 1967, 30 September
Louis Armstrong
Teddy Buckner
Eddie Condon
Firehouse Five Plus Two
Young Men Of New Orleans, So Market Street
Doc Souchon
9th 1968, 28th September
Teddy Buckner
Dukes of Dixieland
Mickey Finn
Firehouse Five Plus Two
Lofthouse 2nd Story Men, Santo Pecora
Turk Murphy, SCHJS Marching Band
So Market Street
Young Men From New Orleans
(Louis Armstrong was scheduled but unable to appear due to illness)
10th 1969, 27 September
Sharkey Bonano
Teddy Buckner
Mickey Finn
Firehouse Five Plus Two
Al Hirt
Pete Lofthouse
World's Greatest Jazz Band, Young Men From New Orleans
11th 1970, 26 September
Bob Crosby Band
Banjo Kings
Teddy Buckner
Wild Bill Davison All-Stars
Doc Evans-Art Hodes Jazz Band
Firehouse Five Plus Two
Pete Lofthouse
Mickey Finn
Turk Murphy, SCHJS Marching Band
Young Men From New Orleans
12th 1971, 6 - 11 September
Banjo Kings
Teddy Buckner
Bob Crosby Band
Delta Ramblers, Dizzy Gillespie
Fatha Hines Orchestra
Royal Street Bachelors, SCHJS Marching Band
Stevie Wonder
The Young Men From New Orleans
6th 1965, 24-25 September
The Young Men From New Orleans featuring Kid Ory (with Johnny St. Cyr)
Louis Armstrong,
Firehouse Five Plus Two
Bob Haven's All-Stars (D.Carey/N. Fatool/E.Garland/M.Matlock/E.Miller/S.Wrightsman)
Turk Murphy
SCHJS Marching Band
Sweet Emma
mc Frank Bull
Johnny St.Cyr bj, Louis Armstrong tp, Kid Ory tb, at Disneyland.
Johnny St.Cyr bj, Louis Armstrong tp, Kid Ory tb, at Disneyland.
Johnny St.Cyr bj, Kid Ory tb, at Disneyland.
(Louisiana State Museum).
Johnny St.Cyr bj, Kid Ory tb, at Disneyland.
Kid Ory on the riverboat, Disneyland September 1965.
(Photo Ed Lawless, Missisippi Rag December 1977).